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Jerusalem restaurants category

Korusin Malcha Restaurant

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Price Range



Corusin, along with Yoja and Sheyan, is part of the welcome movement of high-quality kosher Asian fusion restaurants in Jerusalem, finally giving Jerusalemites both religious and secular the opportunity to taste the pan-Asian favorites most Americans take for granted and are surprised to find lacking in Israel.


At its original, nicely designed branch on the upper floor of the food court of Jerusalem's glittering palace to good old-fashioned Western materialism, Malcha Mall, Corusin serves Chinese food as close to authentic as Jewish dietary laws allow. More than a few cameo appearances are made by dishes originating in different Asian culinary traditions, particularly Thai. Start out with a variety of soups, including that most traditional of Jewish dishes, won-ton, and of course eggrolls.


Main courses include various preparations of beef, chicken and duck, and both meat-eaters and vegetarians will be well pleased with the large selection of noodles in sauces based in everything from soy to coconut milk.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 10:00 to 22:30; Friday 10:00 to 1 hour before Shabbat; half hour after Shabbat to 23:00

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