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Fusion Restaurants in Jerusalem


Fusion Restaurants

in Jerusalem

Jerusalem's Fusion restaurants perfectly illustrate Jerusalem's location as a mixing bowl of cultures and cuisines. Gently tossed together there are some unusual but highly successful combinations of styles and flavors, ensuring that every meal will be a taste sensation

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Jerusalem Fusion Restaurants
Jerusalem is located at many cross-roads, in terms of culture and this is reflected in its food. It has such a heady mixture of European (western, eastern and southern), Middle Eastern, South American, Arabian and more besides that the idea of a fusion restaurant is by no means a strange one. In fact with all those factors, it's hard to conceive of Jersulaem as anything else.

Jerusalem Fusion restaurants try and incorporate the best ingredients and produce of foreign cuisines and incorporate it with typical Israeli style and confidence into something that they believe will be a hit with the punters. In honesty sometimes the results can be a bit hit or miss, but when they work they create an memorable and unique expression of what modern-day Jerusalem cuisine is really about.

There are both kosher and non-kosher examples of fusion, with those restaurants who cater to a religious crowd 'limited' by dietary requirements and constraints, but that makes the challenge for the chef that much more exciting and the results ever more pleasing. There is a scope and range within the Jerusalem fusion restaurant scene that isn't replicated anywhere and you are strongly encouraged to try out these taste sensations for yourself


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