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National Library of Israel

Where Balfour Meets Allenby at 22.01.2018

Until 11.03.2018

Where Balfour Meets Allenby


An exhibition in two parts at the National Library of Israel, marking the 100-year anniversary of two events of late 1917 that shaped the face of the State of Israel and the Middle East - the Balfour Declaration and the conquest of the Land of Israel by General Allenby.


The exhibition will showcase, for the first time, travel diaries of British soldiers, rare photographs of Jerusalem from the time, the Nili spy ring diary, and more

In addition to the exhibition, a unique website has been created that presents these historic events from a variety of angles.


Entrance is free of charge during Library opening hours (Sun-Thurs 9:00-19:00, Fri 9:00-13:00). For more details, please visit



The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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