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Events in Jerusalem

Daily Jerusalem Classic Old City Half Day Tour - Discounted Booking

at 18.04.2010

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Sunday apr 18th

About the tour

This half-day tour visits many of the Old City's most significant holy and historical sites, offering a compelling introduction to the Old City for travelers on a tight schedule. The tour begins with a panoramic view of the Old City on the Mount of Olives, then continues through the Lions' Gate, and onto Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Jewish Quarter, the Cardo, and the Western Wall.


To see full details on this tour, click here.



Departure from Jerusalem: $42

Departure from Tel Aviv: $49

A 10% discount applies to children under the age of 12 and students with a valid international student ID.

Comments from previous participants

"United Tours is clearly a seasoned, knowledgeable outfit. I enjoyed multiple tours of Israel that they ran, and I found them all to be informative and engaging."

Helen Black, Connecticut

Why book with

As the most comprehensive guide anywhere to the sights and cultural life of the Holy City, draws upon its connections with Jerusalem tourist sites and tour operators to offer you an unprecedented experience at an unbeatable price. We work with only the best, most proven tour operators in all Jerusalem, and offer a wider variety of tours and attraction tickets available for online booking than any other site.

A special 10% discount is available for this tour, valid through 31 May. Simply enter the exclusive booking code GoJerusalem in the designated area of the booking screen.



The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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