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Jerusalem restaurants category

Sami Restaurant

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Price Range



An upstart established on the corner opposite from the venerable Jerusalem workingman's meat restaurant Sima on Agrippas Street, Sami attempts to siphon off some of the neighbor's crowd with a similar name and an identical menu.

It's nothing fancy, but it's large enough for sit-down dining with family or friends, and it does reliably serve up heaping piles of assorted varieties of meat – kebabs, steak, chicken breast, me'urav yerushalmi, shwarma and just about anything else you can think of that was once attached in some capacity to an animal.

Vegetarians will be sated with hummus and soup and the extensive selection of dips and noshes that accompany hot pita at the beginning of every meal.

  • Kosher

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 to 2:00

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