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Jerusalem Bloomfiled Science museum

Israel Museum

Out of Body: Fragmentation in Art at 04.04.2014

Out of Body - 1


  • Out of Body - 1
Until 04.04.2014

The Israel Museum presents "Out of Body:" Fragmentation in Art


Human body parts - hands, feet, torsos, and organs - are the subject of this exhibition of approximately 200 works of art and archaeological artifacts from across the Israel Museum collections and on loan from collections worldwide. As opposed to objects that were discovered as fragments of ancient artifacts that were once whole, Out of Body focuses on works that were originally created as distinct parts, exploring ways in which diverse cultures rendered human body parts in different periods of time. Objects on display include prehistoric artifacts, Egyptian amulets, Etruscan and Hellenistic votive offerings, European ex-votos, Jewish cult objects, and works of modern and contemporary art in painting, sculpture, photography, video and installation. The artists featured include Hans Bellmer, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Gober, Hila Lulu Lin, Annette Messager, Man Ray, Auguste Rodin, and Jana Sterbak among others. Out of Body is curated by Tanya Sirakovich, Michael Bromberg Head Curator of Prints and Drawings.


Image: Hila Lulu Lin, Miles I Would Go, 1998

Open Hours

Adults - 48 NIS Students - 36 NIS | Children (aged 5 to 17) / Senior Citizens / Disabled / Repeat visits within three months - 24 NIS | Soldiers/National Service - Free entrance


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