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Bloomfield Science Museum - B - 1

Bloomfield Science Museum

Light and Shadow Games at the Bloomfield Science Museum at 21.04.2014

Until 31.12.2015

The Bloomfield Science Museum presents "Light and Shadow Games": a new exhibit which offers an artistic, scientific, and lyrical journey of adventurous revelations.


The opening event will take place on June 14, 2013. Light and Shadow games is a multi-layer exhibit that was planned by the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (City of Science and Industry), Europe's largest science museum in Park de la Vilette, Paris. The exhibit is designed as the villa of the fictional Professor Archibald Shadow, collector of shadows, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.


The exhibit includes active displays, Israeli art, and nature collections. The interactive displays and works by Israeli artists invite children to experiment with shadows: to enlarge them, duplicate them, create layers with them, capture them, and allow them to escape.


Photos: Sasson Tiram



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