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Events in Jerusalem

10% Discount on City Bus Tour of Jerusalem

at 01.06.2010

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Tuesday jun 1st

Get a 10% discount on the City Bus Tour of Jerusalem through the end of June 2010!


Egged Line 99: it's a Jerusalem tourist classic. For those outside of the Lonely Planet-and-hiking boots demographic, Route 99 is the way to catch all of Jerusalem's must-see sights in one fell swoop. And what a swoop: forget ground level, you'll see Jerusalem from the top deck of a crimson double decker touring bus. And don't worry about language - you have your choice of headphone audio narration in eight languages: English, Russian, German, Hebrew, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Italian.


Your Egged 99 ticket doesn't confine you to the bus, either: each ticket allows you to re-board the bus as many times as you want in a day, meaning you can hop off the bus to get a closer look at particularly interesting stops, then catch the bus on its next go-round and continue your tour.

The bus stops at: the Central Bus Station; Machane Yehuda; Davidka Square; the Leonardo Jerusalem; the Grand Court Hotel; Givat Hatachmoshet (Ammunition Hill); the Regency Hotel; Hadassah Mount Scopus; Mount Scopus; the Augusta Victoria Hospital; Lions Gate; City of David; Dung Gate; Mount Zion; Jaffa Gate; Kikar Safra; the King David Hotel; Khan Theatre; Haas Promenade; Malcha Mall; Biblical Zoo; Herzl Museum; Yad Vashem; Hebrew University at Givat Ram; Science Museum; Israel Museum and Bible Lands Museum; the Knesset; and the Supreme Court. The full tour takes roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Should you wish to tour Tel Aviv in a similar style, check out our tickets for the Tel Aviv city tour.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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