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Events in Jerusalem

Passover in Jerusalem

Passover in Jerusalem at 30.03.2018

Until 29.04.2024

GoJerusalem: Passover is the spring holiday on the Hebrew calendar which takes place in the month of Nissan, usually falling out on the Gregorian calendar in April.


The Pesach, or Passover holiday is both a commemoration and celebration of God's redemption of the Israelites from Egypt. Many miracles led to this redemption, including the Ten Plagues and the splitting of the Red Sea.


As the story tells it, the Jews were forced to depart Egypt in a hurry, before the Pharaoh could change his mind. Consequently, they could not wait for their bread to rise, and it became matzah, a wafer-thin bread. In commemoration of this event and for mystical reasons as well, the Jews refrain from eating leavened bread on Pesach, and eat matzah instead. The holiday is eight days long outside of Israel; in Israel, it is seven days in duration.


Passover in Jerusalem:


Tours and cultural adventures:


Expand your cultural horizons with some tours around the city to see how the locals, and especially the ultra-Orthodox, prepare for the holiday, including searing pots to remove any leavened residue in the Ultra-Orthodox Meah She'arim, massive bonfires to burn leftover unleavened foodstuffs on the eve of the holiday, and matza baking in special matza factories. On one of the intermediate days of Passover itself, get blessed at the Western Wall during the twice-yearly convocation of Kohanim-warning: it’s crowded!




Don't let having the kids at home over Passover drive you bonkers. All the top venues around the city and beyond are offering special Passover programs for the kiddies - including the Bloomfield Science Museum, the Museum of Islamic Art (combined tickets for crafts workshops and puppet shows), the Tower of David Museum (storytelling and reenactments, pictured), the Malcha Mall.


Eating out on Passover: 


In recent years, ever-increasing numbers of Jerusalem restaurants have been turning over their kitchens and creating Passover-friendly menus, freeing home cooks from the slavery of the kitchen and offering tourists the high-end culinary experience they have come to expect in Jerusalem. Kosher restaurants that often open their doors over Passover include Sushi Rechavia. Non-kosher options are available as well for those interested – try Colony, Adom, and Lavan.




When Passover ends, the last thing you want is another piece of matza. But who has time to wait for a loaf to come out of the oven? Luckily, some crafty Moroccans came up with the Mimouna festival at which the mufletta, a thin bread that can be made quickly is served. It has become as much a post-Passover tradition as the legendary barbecue parties they throw the following day. So keep the festivities rolling and check out Mimouna festivities around town!



The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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