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Events in Jerusalem

Chanukah in Jerusalem

Chanukah in Jerusalem at 27.10.2014

Until 15.12.2024

The holiday of Chanukah takes place in Kislev, the darkest month of the winter, usually falling out sometime in December on the gregorian Calendar.

The Chanukah holiday is a celebration of miracles. One miracle is that of the Jews’ triumph over Hellenist tyranny, “the few against the many, the strong against the weak.”


The second miracle is the discovery of a pure jug of oil in the Holy Temple, even after the Temple had been desecrated by the Syrian-Greeks. According to legend, the oil burned in the Temple candelabrum for a miraculous eight days. 

Consequently, the Chanukah holiday is eight days of festivities, and lights commemorating the Temple candelabrum (“menorah” in Hebrew) are lit every evening and displayed by the windows for all passersby to see.

Click here to read more about Chanukah customs and rituals.

Children have vacation from school during the week of Chanukah so naturally, museums and cultural institutions around the city rise to the occassion with special family-oriented events and activities.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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