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Events in Jerusalem

The Israel Festival 2010: Events at the Botanical Gardens

The Israel Festival 2010: Events at the Botanical Gardens at 25.05.2010

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Tuesday may 25th

The Israel Festival is the largest and most important international arts and cultural festival in the land and has chosen Jerusalem as its eternal home (save for a few scattered events in other cities). The Festival, now in its 49th year, runs for three weeks and features high-end theater, music, and dance performances.

There will be plenty of free night time jazz, taking place almost every night of the festival in the Jerusalem Theatre's foyer, as well as free big band performances at Alrov Mamilla Avenue (for more information about free events click here).


There are programs for the little folks as well, with a number of plays and stories catering specifically to the playground set (click here for further details about the Israel Festival program for Children).

The Festival, which runs from May 25 through June 11, takes place at a number of different Jerusalem locations. For a full run down of Festival locations, prices and schedule of events, please see the Festival's official website (in English and in Hebrew):

To purchase tickets online for Israel Festival events click here.


Don't forget to check out major ticketing discounts - up to half off - on the festival's impressive jazz shows, available exclusively to GoJerusalem users.


Throughout the Festival, a number of events and activities will take place at the Botanical Gardens:


Shakespeare Jerusalem at the Israel Festival:


"Shakespeare Samplers":
A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth

Shakespeare Jerusalem (Israel)

Director & artistic management: Shannon Kisch
Actors: Herzl Tobey, Roni Yacobovitz

Shakespeare Samplers will be staged in the Jerusalem Theatre's New Studio in anticipation of two guest performances of Shakespeare. The show features select scenes from A Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth, performed in Shakespearean English.

"An impressive beginning... Although Shakespeare Jerusalem only recently appeared in the cultural landscape, it is a professional theatre company, capable of competing with the best of them..."
"This production of Shakespeare Jerusalem is marked by powerful physical activity and minimalism, making it one of Shakespeare's great historical plays..." Haaretz

Schedule of Performances:

Jerusalem Theatre-The New Studio:

A Midsummer Night's Dream

May 30, 31 at 19:30

June 8, 9 at 19:30

Duration: approximately 50 minutes

The Botanical Gardens, Jerusalem
"Battle of the Sexes"
June 1 and 2 at 18:30

Wine and Jazz Night

June 3, 2010, beginning at 19:00

Enjoy fine wine while enjoying the beauty of the gardens and listening to great jazz. Admission includes a wine glass and free tastings.

Dutch Style Friday Afternoon Party

June 4, 2010, beginning at 11:00

Frit Frat, pancakes, and a great atmosphere! Admission includes first beer on the house.

Performance by the Oh nO! Jazz Band of Holland.


Various venues around Jerusalem.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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