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Jerusalem restaurants category

La Boca Restaurant

Steaks in Jerusalem - 1

Price Range


  • Steaks in Jerusalem - 1

Located on Shlomtzion Hamalka Street, La Boca is the city's only restaurant specializing in Central American and South American kosher meat dishes.


Spanish-speaking cultures of the Americas are not often considered a cohesive unit when it comes to their culinary heritage, but at La Boca, which bills itself as a "Latin" restaurant, Mexican favorites like chicken enchiladas and beef empanadas appear harmoniously alongside classic Agentinian dishes like bife de chorizo and entrecote with chimichurri.


Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday 12:00 to 23:30; Friday 12:00 to 1 hour before Shabbat; Saturday 1 hour after Shabbat to 23:30

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