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Jerusalem restaurants category

Pinyones Restaurant

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Who, after a significant stretch in Jerusalem, has not asked himself why he must shlep all the way up to the far reaches of Agrippas past the Machane Yehuda market if he wants a pita stuffed to bursting with delicious grilled Middle Eastern meats? Who has not despaired at the paucity of kebabs downtown? Who? Who?


Everyone, of course - but finally, someone who could make a difference asked. That someone was Jerusalem chef Pini Levi, of beloved Middle Eastern meat joint Pini BaChatzer, and his answer? Pinyones: kebabs and grilled meat right on Jaffa Road downtown.


It's kebabs of all kinds at Pinyones: Iraqi, Kurdish, Syrian, and Turkish; beef, lamb, or chicken; familiar parts of the animal or something more esoteric; stuffed into a freshly-baked pita to go or on a plate with salad and all the fixings. It's all perfectly cooked with Pini's trademark skill  (the long lines will attest to that), it's conveniently located, and it's open until midnight - not late enough to soak up your Scotch after bar time, perhaps, but late enough to kill off an eleventh-hour craving for grilled deliciousness.

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 to midnight; Friday, 11:00 to 16:00

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