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Jerusalem restaurants category

Pera e Mela Restaurant

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Price Range



With signs outside stating its name as both Pera e Mela and Agas V'tapuach (both mean "Pear and Apple"), this bistro located in Safra Square may have a bit of an identity crisis when it comes to what to call it, but the food itself is clouded by no such indecision: It's straight up kosher Italian dairy.

Unlike the other kosher Italian restaurants downtown, however, Agas V'tapuach draws in just as many Israelis as it does tourists and foreigners, and its narrow confines, small tables and subdued reddish lighting attract more of a young couple crowd than the raucous tourist family crowd.

The menu features a standard Italian selection of pastas, soups and salads, with prices slightly toward the higher side (meals shouldn't be much more than 120 NIS, though).

Agas v'Tapuach features a business lunch special from 11:00 to 17:00 (soup, salad and main course) and is available for events.

  • Kosher

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 to 23:00; Friday, Closed; Saturday, one hour after sundown until 12:00


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