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Events in Jerusalem

Big Screen Sports and Music at Stardust

Big Screen Sports and Music at Stardust at 01.09.2009

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Tuesday sep 1st

Stardust, a pub named after David Bowie's iconic Ziggy persona, features a prominent list of sporting events on a nightly basis, and also offers live music, DJs, and dance parties. The bar serves Murphy's on tap, and happy hour (from 14:30-21:30) includes 10 NIS rum 'n cokes, 40 NIS bottles of wine and other myriad low-price alcoholic goodies. On most Fridays Stardust transforms itself into one of Jerusalem's only reggae soundsystems, perhaps the most fitting way to bring in Shabbat in the holy city of Zion.

For more details and the full schedule of events visit Stardust's website.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 16:30-5:00; Friday 13:00-5:00.


Rivlin St. 6


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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