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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Style: Comedians Special

Jerusalem Style: Comedians Special at 28.02.2009

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Saturday feb 28th

Off The Wall Comedy Empire presents: 
Jerusalem Style: Comedians Special- Starring Carl Teper, Elazar Brandt, Tal Solomon, Benny Firszt with MC David Kilimnick
Starring: Carl Teper (The British Judge of the Joke), Elazar Brandt (Dr. Jazz brings the smoothness to comedy). Tal Solomon (the Israeli "not Oleh Chadash" who still complains about the difficulties of getting along in Israeli society, as a native). Benny Firszt (It bothers him and it will bother you).
Host: David Kilimnick
Lineup may change and other comedians may be added. 


Off the Wall Comedy Basement Ben Yehuda St. 34


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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