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Events in Jerusalem

June 14-15, 2013: Oneg Shabbat with the Bloomfield Science Museum

June 14-15, 2013: Oneg Shabbat with the Bloomfield Science Museum at 14.06.2013

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Friday jun 14th

The Bloomfield Museum of Science and Yeru-Shalem, the Coalition for a Diverse Jerusalem present "Oneg Shabbat": special weekend programs at the Museum. Entrance is free for children under the age of 18. The program aims to promote new models and trends of meaningful community and cultural activity on Shabbat, which will serve the diverse population of the city, including residents of the city's various neighborhoods, young families and visitors. The Yeru-Shalem coalition believes that communal activities such as these on Shabbat is an important impetus for Jerusalem to express herself as a pluralistic city with diverse voices, comprised of diverse types of communities living together in harmony, in which disparate parts form a whole.

June 14-15, 2013: Oneg Shabbat at the Bloomfield Science Museum

Free entrance to the museum over the weekend.

Click here for more information on Oneg Shabbat's Facebook page.

Open Hours

?Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00 | ?Friday 10:00 to 14:00 | ?Saturday 10:00 to 15:00 | Sundays closed?.


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