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Events in Jerusalem

Hebrew Book Week 2013 Activities at the Tower of David Museum

Hebrew Book Week 2013 Activities at the Tower of David Museum at 05.06.2013

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Wednesday jun 5th

Parents, children and "Book Week" participants are invited to enter the ancient citadel for a multi-disciplinary interactive tour based on the story "A Street in Jerusalem" by Chana and David Amit.

Wednesday June 5 from 16:30 - 19:00

at the Tower of David Museum

Pre-advance registration required.

Event in Hebrew.

Price: 45 NIS for children, 35 NIS for adults

Reservation: 02 6265333 or *2884

In honor of Book Week, the Tower of David is inviting you to participate in a celebration of children's stories based on the the story "A Street in Jerusalem" written by Chana and David Amit and illustrated by Ivgeny Barshekov.

"Oskar Golan" plans to take you around the citadel on an interactive tour, having just finished the book "A Street in Jerusalem" . In fact ... it's everything he's been looking for, everything that makes a good movie: drama, action, suspense, war, love and of course a whole array of superheros: Kind David, Herod, knights, sultans and more.

Oskar will tell the children and audience about his vision, to film and produce an internationally acclaimed blockbuster movie that will tell the remarkable story of Jerusalem, and he wants to produce it quickly, before anyone else can snatch his idea. And so in order not to waste any more time, Oskar will use the participants in the audience as his production team...

In addition there will be an arts and crafts workshop as well as an exhibit of the original illustrations of Ivgney Barshekov that were made for the book "A Street in Jerusalem".

Length of tour: 75 minutes

Length of workshop: 45 minutes

Appropriate for ages 5 - 10 yrs.

Chana Amit will be participating in the activities.

The activities will also take place on Thursday during the months of June and July.

Following the afternoon activity, it's possible to book tickets for The Night Spectacular at 20:30 and 21:30 and to enjoy the Festival of Lights in the Old City.

Open Hours

Sunday-Thursday 9:00-16:00, Friday: closed unless there is a special event, Shabbat: 9:00-14:00.


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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