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Events in Jerusalem

Summer 2012 at the Museum of Islamic Art: Children's Performances

Summer 2012 at the Museum of Islamic Art: Children's Performances at 22.07.2012

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Sunday jul 22nd

The Museum of Islamic Art invites you to enter a world of imagination at fascinating original performances which take your children to new horizons of color, culture, inspiration, and life lessons.

Schedule of performances in July and August 2012:

"Girl in a Tree": A Train Theater performance | Sundays at 12:00

"The Legend of the Gold Pitchers": interactive story theatre | Mondays at 12:00

"Three Wishes": A Train Theater performance | Tuesdays at 12:00

"Adon Kalfon and the Magic Box": a magic show | Wednesdays at 12:00

"One Thousand Nights": Koreh Theatre | Thursdays at 12:00

*Admission included in Museum entry fee

July 22 - August 24, 2012 (except for Tisha B'av)
Sunday-Thursday at 12:00

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Thursday 10:00 to 15:00; Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 to 19:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday and Holidays 10:00 to 14:00


HaPalmach St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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