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Events in Jerusalem

The Americano Circus Comes to Jerusalem

The Americano Circus Comes to Jerusalem at 20.06.2012

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Wednesday jun 20th

From the creators of the Dorola Circus, the European Circus and Medrano Circus: in July 2012, the biggest, most daring, funniest, and most surprising Americano Circus comes to Jerusalem! Dozens of circus artists, acrobats, clowns, and stunt men invite you to an unforgettable circus experience for the whole family, on the biggest circus stage yet to be produced in Israel (over 522 meters).

Daring acrobatics and stunts, clowns, flying motorcycles, the captain being shot of a cannon, and a huge surprise.

The show lasts about two and a quarter hours, including intermission, and takes place in an air conditioned tent with assigned seating. There are no animals in the circus.


Kiryat HaLeum Opposite the Foreign Ministry Netanel Lorech Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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