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Events in Jerusalem

February 2011 Events at the Malcha Mall

February 2011 Events at the Malcha Mall at 01.02.2011

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Tuesday feb 1st

The Malcha Mall invites your children to a slew of activities, performances, and workshops throughout the month of February 2011: Family Month.

Monday, February 21: Colorful arts and crafts fair


Sunday - Thursday, February 6-17 from 16:30-19:30: Mr. Talented - Mr. Talented of the Hop television channel comes to visit the Malcha Mall. Come see him and enjoy activities, arts and crafts workshops, and more. All events and activities are free. Mr. Talented will have a surprise gift for each child.


Wednesday, February 2 at 18:00: Yuval Hamevulbal: live performance.


Thursday, February 24 at 18:00: Rinat Gabbai: live performance.


February 10 - 14: Days of Love - The Malcha Mall invites you to four days of celebration in honor of Valentine's day, the day of love, which will include a gift fair, special deals, and other treats that you'll simply love.


February Gifts: Each week, the Malcha mall will distribute gifts to customers who spend 599 NIS or more (499 NIS or more for Multi Azrieli members) in one day.

February 6-10: Children's gift week. Receive your choice of children's tableware / fleece blanket / colorful children's luggage. Valid while supplies last.

February 13-17: Family gift week. Receive a 40 NIS gift certificate to Superpharm. Valid while supplies last.

February 20-24: Fashion gift week. Receive a 40 NIS gift certificate to Fox. Valid while supplies last.

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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