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Events in Jerusalem

February 2011: Story Theater Performances at the Train Theater

February 2011: Story Theater Performances at the Train Theater at 28.02.2011

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Monday feb 28th

The Train Theater's stable of expert storyteller-puppeteers break out their least discomfiting puppets for engaging fairy tales targeted squarely at the hard-to-please 2-4 crowd. It's an inexpensive way to spend an hour, and it's better for the mind than kids' TV.

Schedule for February 2011 (all performances take place on Mondays at 16:30):

February 14: The Flower with a Heart of Gold. Story theater with Shani Weissman for ages 2-4.

February 21: The Mouse that Waited Patiently. Stoy theater with Shachar Marom. For ages 2-4.

February 28: The Rabbit Went on a Hike. Story theater with Maya Sahar. For ages 2-4.



Train Theater | Liberty Bell Park


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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