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Events in Jerusalem

November 2010 Events at the Malcha Mall

November 2010 Events at the Malcha Mall at 01.11.2010

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Monday nov 1st

The Malcha Mall invites your children to a slew of activities, performances, and workshops throughout the month of November.

Arts and Crafts Workshops: Sundays at 17:30

*with Rachel Rafaeli

November 7: Cardboard stools
November 14: Piggy banks
November 21: Scented candles
November 28: Decorating wooden dreidels


Monday, November 1: Colorful arts and crafts fair


Mondays, November 8 and 22, at 17:30: "Sport Kids": Kfitzit and Lupu help kids get in shape with sport and movement activities


Tuesdays at 17:00 and 18:00: Cooking with Tammy Workshops. In November: Back to our Roots

November 2: sweet and sour carrot salad
November 9: leek pancakes
November 16: root vegetable soup
November 23: onion quiche
November 30: sweet potato pancakes


Wednesdays from 15:00-20:00: Moonwalks for kids (small fee)


Wednesdays at 10:30: "Pitzponim": a magical experience for mothers and babies. Music and movement activities that contribute to development of coordination, curiousity, and imagination. For ages 0-3.


Thursdays at 18:00: Plays and performances for kids of all ages

November 4: Bob the Builder's show
November 11: Vipo-Adventures of the Flying Dog
November 18: Make Way for Nadi
November 25: Dorit the Enchanted Fairy

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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