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Events in Jerusalem

Five Witches Went on a Trip

Five Witches Went on a Trip at 13.11.2010

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Saturday nov 13th

Hamatmun Theater presents "Five Witches Went on a Trip:" based on the story by Ronit Hakham and Ora Eyal. One actress, a great book, and five witches...Do witches exist in real life or just in fairy tales? Are they scary or funny? An interactive hour of laughter and fun with a performance that takes children on an adventure through the story of the five witches. The play is enacted fully from paper. Concept, acting, and singing: Sarit Mazon | Puppet design and set: Tania Dikov | Music: Mart Meirowitz | Lighting and sound: Nissim Mazon

For children ages 4 and up.


Liberty Bell Park


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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