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Events in Jerusalem

Where is Mrs. Gabbai?

Where is Mrs. Gabbai? at 06.11.2010

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Saturday nov 6th

From the minds of entertainers Jack Shvili and Avi Cohen comes this nostalgic, and child-friendly, look back at a youth spent playing in the venerable alleys of Yemin Moshe, the first Jewish neighborhood built in West Jerusalem. Actually taking place in the neighborhood, the show revolves around the enigmatic Mrs. Gabbai, an old woman who can control the seasons, and revives the games, songs, sounds and memories of a Jerusalem childhood. Suitable for ages four and up. The group meets 30 minutes before the show, across the street from the French Consulate at Emile Botta Street 5. For further information and registration, call 02-5618514 ext. 5. In Hebrew.


Train Theater Liberty Bell Park


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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