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Events in Jerusalem

Private Collection

Private Collection at 24.07.2010

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Saturday jul 24th

"Private Collection" was created out of the co-operation of 2 artists: Antonio Catalano, an interdisciplinary artist from Italy, and Jonathan Ben-Haim, an artist of the Train Theater from Jerusalem. Antonio brought with him the "Sensitive Worlds" ("Universi Sensibili"): collections of ordinary, daily things and elements from nature, which are combined with his unique language of painting and sculpting; Jonathan created a show for children and the whole family. Jonathan invites the visitors to see and experience his private collections – simple things, such as: leaves or clouds collection.


Jonathan creates a rich variety of stage occurrences, which follow the seasons and the cycle of Life. The children and their parents are invited to participate and help the "sick clouds" to take off again with the wind, wait for a falling leaf in autumn, etc. The audience is an active participant and together with Jonathan creates sensitive worlds of magic and entertainment, of primary experiences and childhood collections.


The show won the prize of “favorite of the audience” and the “idea” prize in the Haifa International Festival of Children’s Theatre 2007.


Approximately 50 minutes.


Train Theater Liberty Bell Park


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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