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Events in Jerusalem

International Festival of Puppet Theater 2010

International Festival of Puppet Theater 2010 at 08.08.2010

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Sunday aug 8th

The 19th International Festival of Puppet Theater, initiated by the Train Theater in 1983 and held annually since 2001, will be held this summer at the Train Theater and other venues around Jerusalem from August 8-13.

The Festival's program mainly targets children and families, but there are performances for adults as well. The program of the 2010 festival will include about 30 different productions with approximately 100 shows:

The best of Israeli creation: performances of the Train Theater's artists as well as other Israeli artists.

Foreign productions: 9 shows from different countries - the best of European creation in the field.

Public Works: a project that deals with art and community, through the combination of theater performances and guided tours for children and the whole family. The dialogue between artists from the field of puppetry and Visual Theater and the environment will continue this year for the sixth time. The project is designated to take place in Nachlaot neighborhood and in the Mahane Yehuda Market and will deal with the theme of wedding, bread and its various and cultural aspects. The project aims to connect the everyday urban space of the market with the community in purpose of high standard and fascinating artistic collaboration. The works we initiate in the framework of this project will take place in non-theatrical spaces, emphasizing the connection between the physical, cultural and social aspects of the chosen space.

The festival will culminate with the high point of a giant puppet parade through the Shuk Machane Yehuda on the 9th of August at 18:00.


The shows and events will be held at the Train Theater, Hama'abada (The Lab), the Khan Theater, in Liberty Bell Park, and in Yemin Moshe, in Nachlaot, and in the School for Visual Theatre.


For more information, including the full schedule and locations of shows, please visit the festival's English website.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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