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Events in Jerusalem

August Family Fun

August Family Fun at 08.08.2010

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Sunday aug 8th

The Bible Lands Museum presents "August Family Fun":

Follow costumed actors on exciting guided tours through the treasures of the Museum as your favorite Bible stories and ancient tales come to life. Each tour includes a creative workshop.

Choose your favorite stories:

Sundays: Jonah and the Whale
Mondays & Thursdays: King Solomon and the Demon King Asmodeus
Tuesdays: David and Goliath
Wednesdays: Moses, prince of Egypt

The program is approximately 2 hours in length.
Ideal for ages 5-9 and accompanying adult.

Advance reservation required!

For details and registration:, 02-5611066

Open Hours

Sundays-Thursdays at 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00.


Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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