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Events in Jerusalem

June Events at the Malcha Mall

June Events at the Malcha Mall at 01.06.2010

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Tuesday jun 1st

The Malcha Mall invites your children to a slew of activities, performances, and workshops throughout the month of June.


Sundays, at 17:30: Arts and Crafts for children with Rachel Raphaeli. In June: Hebrew book celebration!

     June 13: making an ecological book cover

     June 20: "The soap cried a lot"

     June 27: Stories we all love: making three dimensional picture



Monday, June 28: A colorful arts and crafts fair


Tuesdays, at 17:00 and 18:00: Cooking workshops for children (register in advance at the mall). Dress up as chefs and cook something different each week. Sponsored by "Mevashlim Im Tammy," Pri Hagalil, Teva Tari, and Prinur. In June, the theme is recipes from children's stories.


    June 1: Banana Cake from the story "Hannah Banana's grandmother cooked porridge"

    June 8: Spaghetti in tomato and cream sauce from the story "I'll never eat a tomato."

    June 15: corn souffle from the story "Hot Corn"

   June 22: carrot cake from the story "Grandpa Eliezer and the Carrot"

   June 29: vegetable soup from the story "The Giraffe Hurt his Neck"

   *At the end of each cooking session there will be a story hour, co-sponsored by Stematzky.

Wednesdays, 15:00-20:00

A variety of moonwalks for children's enjoyment (minimal fee).

Thursdays, at 18:00: Kids Club--shows and performances for all ages!


    June 3: Dorit and the Enchanted Fairy: An enchanted performance with song and dance in the land of the fairies.

     June 10: Friends from the Stories:
Characters and heroes from the books come to life in a festive show for the whole family.


    June 17: "Yodele Modele's Show": an entertaining stand up performance for the whole family.

     June 24: 
"Uncle Chaim's Performance": A show which includes children's songs, games and tasks, skits, magic, and birthday presents for all children who celebrate birthdays in May. 




June 14-16: Shocking Sale: The biggest sale in Israel at the Malcha Mall.

June 21-23: Baby Festival :

-Baby activities: movement activities, games

-Photography studio with Noni Arnovi

-Musical activities with Leora Shlezinger from the Luli station

-Baby items for sale

-photography exhibit

Open Hours

Malcha Mall opening hours: Sunday-Thursday 9:30-22:00, Friday 9:00-15:00, Saturday from an hour after Shabbat ends - 23:00.


Malcha Mall


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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