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Beit Avi Chai venue

Beit Avi Chai

Israeli Portion: The weekly Torah portion and Israeli reality at 12.06.2014

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Thursday jun 12th

Israeli Portion: The weekly Torah portion and Israeli reality

A four-part series accompanying the four Torah portions in the Book of Numbers. 

In each session, ancient Israeli sources will be presented – some more and some less familiar – with a discussion on issues relevant to the weekly Torah portion as it relates to contemporary Israeli reality.

Editor and host: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

1) Parshat Behaalotecha – On the Transfer of Leadership

Thursday | 7 Sivan | June 5 | 8:00pm

Guest: The Paytan Rabbi David Menachem

2) Parshat Shelach Lecha – On Espionage and Intelligence

Thursday | 14 Sivan | June 12 | 8:00pm

Guest: Carmi Gillon, former head of the Internal General Security Services

3) Parshat Chukat  – On the Sins of the Leaders

Thursday | 28 Sivan | June 26 | 8:00pm

Guest: Shalom Yerushalmi, political commentator for Ma’ariv

4) Parshat Balak – On Blessings and Curses

Thursday | 5 Tammuz | July 3 | 8:00pm

Guest: Prof. (Emeritus) Chava Turniansky, Department of Yiddish at the Hebrew University (The event will be broadcast live on the BEIT AVI CHAI website).



Entrance is free, subject to availability.

Tickets may be reserved in advance

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


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