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The Tower of David Museum - Srtip - 1

The Tower of David Museum

Passover at the Tower of David Museum at 20.04.2014

Until 14.04.2017

Passover for the whole family At the Tower of David Museum


Pesach is here … and entrance is free for kids!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: April 12th-14th


A Celebration in Jerusalem


Come on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem just like in the olden days! During the Passover Festival in the Citadel you can dress up in costume dress,  join a parade around the citadel and feel the joy and excitement that the Jews experienced when they came to Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday of Passover thousands of years ago.


Pre-registration is required | for families with children aged 4-7


Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th: 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00 Friday 14th: 11:00, 12:00



The 70 Names of Jerusalem


Discover all the names of Jerusalem in an activity that takes place all around the citadel. Can you find them all? There are challenging Giant Games, building in 3D, construction competitions, water games and more.. every task will reveal one of the city’s names.


Pre-registration is not required | for families with children aged 3-13

Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th: 10:00-16:00 Friday 14th: 10:0-14:00


Coming Up to Jerusalem


A creative workshop for kids to make and color a game on the theme of Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem.


10 NIS per participant


Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th 10:00-16:00, Friday 14th 10:00-14:00


Meet at the Tower


A Passover celebration especially suited for families with children who have special needs. The activity will take place during the museum’s quiet hours, allowing for a pleasant, positive and accepting experience. Come with the whole family!


25 NIS per family | Pre-registration required *2884


 Wednesday 13th 17:00-19:00


The Night Spectacular


A sound and light show in the citadel courtyard that tells the story of Jerusalem in a festival of breathtaking sounds and sights, surrounding you in a one of a kind, multi-sensory experience.


Special price of 40 NIS per ticket if bought together with Passover Daytime Activities!


| Pre-registration required *2884  Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th 20:30, 21:30


Tours for Adults


Jerusalem through the Generations:

Guided tours that weave in and out of the ancient guard rooms of the citadel – walk through 3000 years of Jerusalem’s history.


Hebrew: Wednesday, Thursday 13:00  English: Wednesday, Thursday 11:00


From Herod’s Palace to a British Prison – the story of the Kishle Excavations:

Hebrew: Friday at 11:00  English: Friday at 10:00


These tours are included in the museum entrance price.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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