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Bloomfield Science Museum - B - 1

Bloomfield Science Museum

Levers at 26.11.2014

Bloomfield Science Museum EVENTS - 5


Until 31.12.2014

The "Levers" exhibition at the Bloomfield Science Museum is officially for ages 3-9, but will soon have the whole family, adults included, at work, operating simple levers and machines and assessing their efficiency.

Open Hours

Adults: 45 NIS

Children 5 and older: 45 NIS

Children under 5: Free

Adults with "Yerushalmi" card: 36 NIS

Children with "Yerushalmi" card: 36 NIS

Families (parents and children under 18): 160 NIS

Soldiers, police, disabled persons, students: 37 NIS

Senior citizens: NIS 22.5


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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