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City of David

City of David

City of David - Enchanted Jerusalem Tour at 03.04.2014

City of David tours gallery - 6


Thursday apr 3rd

Enchanted Jerusalem Tour at the City of David



***This tour takes place on Thursday evenings only***


Magical evening tours of the place where it all began in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. The night tour begins with a breathtaking night overlook from our "Beit Hatzofeh" lookout point which emphasizes the unique, low position of the biblical City of David in comparison with Jerusalem's Old City walls. You will see the city in all its panoramic night-time glory and view the impressive 3D movie. You will visit "King David's Palace" and the Royal Administrative Center where you will see an impressive outdoor sound and light show. 



Tour Track:


*Start Point: City of David- Visitors Center

*Roof of Beit Hatzofeh - a breathtaking overview of the borders of the City of David.

*An impressive 3D show.

*Area G - the Royal Acropolis of the First Temple period.

*The King's Palace - new archaeological discoveries from the days of King David.

Light and sound show projected on the artifacts.

*End Point: City of David- Visitors Center


Essential Information:

*Suitable for ages 16 and older

*Tour is 1 ½ hours long.

*Enjoy our coffee & snack shop as well as a gift shop with unique souvenirs, books and jewelry.

*The Old City is closed off to private vehicles.

*In order to reach the City of David by foot, exit the Old City via the Dung Gate (the gate closest to the Western Wall Plaza. Turn left and shortly after (around 50 meters), make a right. The entrance to the City of David will be on your left hand side.

*There are storage lockers at the site for your convenience at a cost of 10 NIS.

*We apologize but there is no room to store baby carriages.


English guided tours:

Thursdays at 21:00

Open Hours

Adult  - 29 NIS

Child(5-18), senior citizen 15 NIS


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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