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City of David

City of David

City of David - Ascend to Zion Tour at 19.12.2014

City of David tours gallery - 4
Until 30.12.2014

City of David - Ascend to Zion Tour



Jerusalem during the Second Temple Period was an impressive and beautiful city of international importance. Many remnants of these glory days can be seen at the City of David. You are invited to join us on an incredible tour in the footsteps of the architects and builders of the city, to touch the recent archaeological discoveries, to be amazed by the remains of the Shiloach Pool and the recently discovered Herodian Road which will lead you in the footsteps of the Second Temple pilgrims from the City of David to the Temple Mount. Come learn about Jerusalem's hidden secrets.



Tour Track:


*Start Point: City of David- Visitors Center


*Panoramic View, Dr. Mazar's Palace Excavations, the Shiloah Pool, the Herodian Road and the most 

recently discovered water channel that ran beneath the road.


*The tour is only for groups who reserve ahead of time


*End Point: The Archaeological Park- Davidson Center


Essential Information:

*Enjoy our coffee & snack shop as well as a gift shop with unique souvenirs, books and jewelry.

*There are a number of steps at the site

*The Old City is closed off to private vehicles.

*In order to reach the City of David by foot, exit the Old City via the Dung Gate (the gate closest to the Western Wall Plaza. Turn left and shortly after (around 50 meters), make a right. The entrance to the City of David will be on your left hand side.

*There are storage lockers at the site for your convenience at a cost of 10 nis. We apologize but there is no room to store baby carriages.

*Transportation is available at the end of the tour to take you to the starting point. Cost- 5 NIS

English guided tours:

Sunday-Thursday: 11:00

Open Hours

Adult  - 29 NIS

Child(5-18), senior citizen 15 NIS


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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