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City of David

City of David

City of David - Guided Family Tours of Biblical Jerusalem at 01.10.2014

City of David tours gallery - 3


Until 31.12.2014

City of David - Guided Family Tours of Biblical Jerusalem


Tour the heart of ancient Jerusalem, the city of kings and prophets, where books of the Bible were written.


Pass through the underground tunnels through which the city was conquered and residents fled. Go down to the hidden spring where kings were coronAted. Walk in illuminated darkness through the water of Hezekiah's Tunnel, where water has flowed since the time of the prophets. Join the mysterious, magical journey between ancient shafts, walls and fortresses at the City of David, the place where Jerusalem was born.



Tour Track 


A guided tour of the City of David includes:


*A panoramic view of the surrounding area


*Dr. Mazar's Palace Excavation- an impressive structure from the period of the Judean kings.


*The Royal Acropolis (Area G) and remnants of remarkable homes from the Biblical Period.


*The underground water system from the time of Abraham including recent discoveries of the Canaanite fortress that guarded ancient Jerusalem's main water source- the Gihon Spring.


Essential Information 


Tour length is 2 hours.


For those that choose to walk through Hezekiah's Tunnel (water tunnel), the tour is 3 hours long. 


Enjoy our coffee & snack shop as well as a gift shop with unique souvenirs, books and jewelry.


The Old City is closed off to private vehicles.


In order to reach the City of David by foot, exit the Old City via the Dung Gate (the gate closest to the Western Wall Plaza. Turn left and shortly after (around 50 meters), make a right. The entrance to the City of David will be on your left hand side.


English Guided Tours


Winter Schedule 

Sun - Thur 10:00, 14:00, Friday 10:00


Summer Schedule

Sun - Thur 10:00, 16:00, Friday 10:00


For more information call 


Open Hours

Adult  - 29 NIS

Child(5-18), senior citizen 15 NIS


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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