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Events in Jerusalem

The Museum for Islamic Art

Sufi January at the Museum of Islamic Art at 10.01.2014

The Museum of Islamic Art - 5


Friday jan 10th

Sufi January at the Museum of Islamic Art


Following the success of the program thus far, the museum continues its series on Sufi mysticism.


A singular encounter between breathtaking music and dancing accompanied by an experiential lecture which includes a slideshow and music from the Darwishian Dancers.


Friday, January 10, 2013: The Darwishians that Dance to the point of Ecstacy


40 NIS


Guided tour of the museum at 10:00

Experiential Lecture: 11:00


A journey inspired by the Sufi group who strive to attain oneness with God through love, song and dance. The event will explore the groups beliefs through looking into Sufi texts, music, and photos.

Lecture by Harel Stanton accompanied by a video slideshow from Turkey.


Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 20:00: "The Fire of Love" - A Sufi music and dance performance.


50 NIS


A mystical journey to the heart with music, dance and song from the Sufi tradition. Sufis believe that people must be given the opportunity to "burn in the flame of love." Darwishians (Sufi followers) must strengthen themselves daily through actions which increase love towards others.


At Thursday's event, musicians Amir Shahasar, Aviv Becher and Gil Hameiri take the audience on a journey which includes an introduction to the traditional music of Iran, Kurdistan, and Turkey. The height of the performance is a dizzying Sufi dance.

Open Hours

Adults - 40 NIS | Students, police, soldiers - 30 NIS |  Children, teens, seniors - 20 NIS


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