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Bloomfield Science Museum - B - 1

Bloomfield Science Museum

Bloomfield Science Museum: What's the Connection? at 31.12.2014

Bloomfield Science Museum EVENTS - 3


Until 31.12.2014

What’s The Connection? is an exhibition at the Bloomfield Science Museum that explores the ideas, principles, and technology behind the communication process. The exhibition is especially relevant for today's children growing up in the ongoing communication revolution.

Open Hours

Adults: 45 NIS

Children 5 and older: 45 NIS

Children under 5: Free

Adults with "Yerushalmi" card: 36 NIS

Children with "Yerushalmi" card: 36 NIS

Families (parents and children under 18): 160 NIS

Soldiers, police, disabled persons, students: 37 NIS

Senior citizens: NIS 22.5

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