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Events in Jerusalem

Summer 2013 Events in Gush Etzion

at 01.08.2013

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Thursday aug 1st

This summer, take a trip out to Gush Etzion and enjoy an assortment of attractions, hikes and bike rides, restaurants, agricultural activities and more. A wide variety of activities are offered that are appropriate for all ages. All sites are within just a few minutes drive from one another, and just a 15 minute drive from Jerusalem.

For Fun: challenging sports activities and the longest omega in the Middle-East, jeeps, ATVs, paintball, guided tours, live animals, galleries and workshops

For History and Nature: water walk in Amat Habe'er, Herodian National Park, light and sound show in Gush Etzion, tour of the wet springs, Tekoa Valley, and more.

For the Tastes: winery and wine press tours, beer brewery tours, liquor factory tours, goat-cheese dairy farm and restaurants.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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