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Events in Jerusalem

Machon Megalim: Jerusalem in the First and Second Temple Periods

at 28.04.2013

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Sunday apr 28th

Machon Megalim at the City of David presents "Jerusalem in the First and Second Temple Periods": Rediscovering Ancient Jerusalem

A lecture series in English.

Jerusalem in the first and Second Temple periods left an indelible impression on the Jewish nation and on world culture at large. This course surveys the great events and personalities that made Jerusalem famous during these formative years, in light of the most up date archeological discoveries. The lecturers are renowned masters of archeology history and the Bible and the course includes field trips to the actual sites where the events took place.

The course will take on Mondays, between 16:00-20:00*
price: 1100 NIS, for registrants till 14.4.13 -ONLY 990 NIS*
For more details: 02-6719453 email -*

Jerusalem in the first and second temple periods

King David and his City

Monday 22/4/13

Oren Sapir


Tour: From Armon Hanatziv to City of David

City of David in light of the Archeological Discoveries

Sunday 28/4/13

Dr. Eyal Meiron

Lecture: Introduction to First Temple Period

Lecture: Survey of Archeological Research in the City of David

Tour: Kenyon's Wall, Hewn Chambers, Spring Tower, Canaanite Tunnel, Shiloh's Wall

Burial in the First Temple Period


Prof. Gabi Barkay

Lecture: Burial in the First Temple Period

Tour: Ketef Hinnom

First temple Period - The Days of King Hezekiah


Ahron Horowitz

Lecture: Hezekiah versus Sennacherib before the walls of Jerusalem

Tour: Warren's Shaft System, the Stone-Cut Pool, Hezekiah's Tunnel

Destruction of the First Temple


Michael Bar-or

Tour: The Israelite Tower and Broad Wall

Lecture: Jerusalem in the Time of Jeremiah - Challenges of a Prophet

Tour: Area G, Jeremiah's Pit

Second Temple Period


Lecture: Introduction to the Second Temple Period till the End of the Hasmonean Rule - Prof. Isaiah Gafni

Tour: Davidson Center - Ahron Horovitz

From Splendor to Ashes


Asher Altshul

Tour:Herodian Quarter and the Burnt House

Lecture:From Splendor to Ashes

The Drama in the Drainage Canal


Lecture: The Last Battle - Hilel Mali

Tour: The Shiloah Pool and Central Drainage canal - Hilel Mali

Tour: Givati Parking Lot - Oren Sapir

Refreshments and Summary in King's Garden

For more information and registration
You can find us on Facebook

 Cancellation procedures

 Cancellation up to three days before the course- a full refund*

 Cancellation within three days before the course -charged half price*

 Cancellation from the day the course begins and throughout the course- fully charged

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 8:00 to 19:00; Fridays and Holiday eves 8:00 to 15:00


Shiloach Village


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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