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Events in Jerusalem

Eating Kosher Festival 2013 Special at HaMoshava 54

at 09.02.2013

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Saturday feb 9th

HaMoshava 54 will participate in the "Eating Kosher" Festival from February 9-21 offering a full 3 course meal for just 79 NIS. On February 14, the deal applies until 17:00 only.

The winter incarnation of the "Eating Kosher" Festival kicks off, inviting diners to enjoy a full 3 course meal (first course, main course, and dessert) and taste a wide variety of choice dishes from winter menus at over 50 kosher restaurants around the country for 79 NIS. The festival will span the length of two weeks from February 9-21, 2013 in cooperation with journalist Kobi Arieli, host of the channel 10 cooking show and Shaul Yahalom, former MK and current food critic.

Open Hours

Emek Refaim branch: Sunday - Thursday, 12:00 until last customer; Friday, 12:00 to afternoon; Saturday, one hour after Shabbat until last customer


Emek Refaim St. 54 | German Colony | 02-563-5454


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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