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Events in Jerusalem

Rosh Hashana 2012 at Colony: Festive Rosh Hashanah Eve Meal

at 16.09.2012

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Sunday sep 16th

Jerusalem restaurant-lounge- bar Colony invites you to celebrate Rosh Hashanah eve in a festive atmosphere with a special meal designed and prepared by Adom Group head chef Michael Katz and acting chef Ramzi Abu Alahua.

Menu for Rosh Hashana Eve, September 16, 2012 from 18:30-21:00 or 21:00-24:00

Starter: chestnut soup

First course: choice of duck terrine and smoked duck or lamb and black tahini sauce in filo dough or asparagus in Boursine sauce

Palate cleanser: frozen margarita

Main courses: choice of oven roasted sea bass or filet in salted dough with porcini sauce or four tomato risotto

Dessert: pear duet in pistachio sauce and vanilla ice cream or chocolate mousse with meringue biscuits or mango soup and coconut sorbet

Open Hours

7 Days a week, 12:00 until last customer


Beit Lechem Rd. 7


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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