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Events in Jerusalem

Beer Weekend at the Inbal Hotel Jerusalem

at 30.08.2012

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Thursday aug 30th

The Inbal Hotel presents a weekend of beer, beer, and more beer. A weekend special which includes lectures and workshops on beer making and cooking with beer, performances, and tours, all in Jerusalem's spectacular atmosphere.

August 30-September 1, 2012

The price for two nights for a couple is 3,330 NIS.

A moment before returning to the year's routine, treat yourself to a beer-themed weekend boasting a cooking workshop with Inbal head chef Moti Buchbut and Aviva Pibko, Master Chef finalist, a sing along with Yossi Lev hosting Yonatan Miller and Shai Tochner, "The Pundakim," and a lecture on body language with dancer Esti Zakheim. In addition attend beer-themed lectures, enjoy the Night Spectacular sound and light show at the Tower of David Museum, and great food to go with all the beer. All this in addition to the world class hosting of the Inbal Hotel, featuring spacious, luxurious rooms, and free entrance to the spa.


Jabotinsky St. 3


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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