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Events in Jerusalem

La Boca Wines of the Month Special

at 01.03.2012

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Thursday mar 1st

La Boca presents monthly wines of the month specials. Each month, the restaurant spotlights wines from choice wineries around Israel, and offers diners tempting prices on glasses and bottles of the month's wines.

Carmel and Yatir are this month's wines and the specials are as follows:

Carmel-Cabernet and Merlot, glass: 28 NIS, bottle: 98 NIS
Yatir-Merlot-Cabernet-Shiraz, glass: 38 NIS, bottle: 139 NIS

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday 12:00 to 23:30; Friday 12:00 to 1 hour before Shabbat; Saturday 1 hour after Shabbat to 23:30


Emek Refaim St. 46


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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