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Events in Jerusalem

Viva Espana: March 2012 Spanish Festival at Adom

at 20.03.2012

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Tuesday mar 20th

Adom presents "Viva Espana": a Spanish Festival. This annual festival includes a special menu created by Chef Michael Katz and Chef Elran Bouzaglo featuring tapas selections, Spanish foods, and quality wines and cocktails of the Iberian Peninsula, in addition to the restaurant's standard menu.

The tapas menu will vary daily, depending on the freshest ingredients available at the market each day.

March 15-30, 2012

Adom Spanish festival

Open Hours

Sunday to Friday, 18:30 to 3:00; Saturday 13:00 to 3:00


Jaffa Rd. 31, Feingold Courtyard


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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