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Events in Jerusalem

Friday Brunch at the Inbal Jerusalem Hotel

at 17.02.2012

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Friday feb 17th

The Inbal Jerusalem Hotel invites you to relish the famous "Israeli breakfast" hotel spread as a visitor: every Friday from 10:00-14:00, hit up one of Jerusalem's richest, most indulgent hotel brunch buffets for just 89 NIS.

The meal includes a huge variety of salads and cheeses, accompanied by fresh breads baked on site, freshly squeezed juices, quiches and pies, and unlimited fruits and desserts made by the Inbal's head chef Moti Buhbut, who specializes in pastries.

The brunch is served at the hotel's Sofia restaurant, from which diners can enjoy stunning views of Liberty Bell Park, Yemin Moshe, and the Old City walls.


Jabotinsky St. 3


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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