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Events in Jerusalem

Sushi Rechavia 2012 Specials for Yerushalmi Card Holders: Rabbi Akiva St. Branch

at 01.09.2012

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Saturday sep 1st

Yerushalmi card holders have been enjoying a slew of benefits, such as discounts on parking, classes, special events, and more, since the card's launch in 2008, and the perks of having one just keep getting sweeter: several restaurants around the city have recently begun offering significant discounts and/or specials to Yerushalmi card holders.

Sushi Rechavia (Rabbi Akiva St. branch) is offering card holders a 20% discount on the menu after 22:00. Not valid on deliveries or business menu. One discount per card.

Click here for more information and the full list of participating restaurants, and visit the official Yerushalmi website at


City Center Branch - Rabbi Akiva St. 6


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