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Events in Jerusalem

Dim-Sum Month at Sushi Rechavia

at 01.05.2012

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Tuesday may 1st

Sushi Rechavia presents a special Dim-Sum menu, with discounts on several Dim-Sum combo choices.

Dim-Sum started out as a snack in East Asia tea houses, made its way along the silk route and brought a quick, healthy, and filling treat to the Western World. Dim-Sum are thin flour dumplings filled with various tasty meat and veggie fillings, steamed to perfection and served hot.


Sushi rechavia dim sum menu

Open Hours

Azza St. Branch - Azza St. 29, Hours of Operation: Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 24:00; Friday, 12:00 to 16:00; Saturday from one hour after Shabbat to 24:00; Telephone: 02-5667477


Palmach St. Branch - Palmach St. 51, Hours of Operation: Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 23:00; closed Friday and Saturday; Telephone: 02-5671791


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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