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Events in Jerusalem

Winter 2011 Jerusalem Menu at Spaghettim

at 01.12.2011

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Thursday dec 1st

Warm up at Spaghettim with Italian winter-themed specials. Spaghettim chefs Shachar Barnea and Shai Doblero have created special winter menus which include items that are specifically suited for the cold winter months of Jerusalem, including pasta with a wide variety of sauces, first courses, meat, pizza, fish, and seafood dishes. Some menu highlights include:

*Napolitano pizza: tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, chili, oregano, roquette, parmesan, and garlic oil: 44 NIS

*Pizza Italiano: tomato sauce, grated mozzarella, pesto crème, chili, feta cheese, red onion, and basil: 46 NIS

*Country ragu over gnocchi: slow cooked steak strips with root vegetables, butter, porcini and champignon mushrooms, fresh garlic and parsley served over gnocchi. 69 NIS.

*Mushroom chicken breast: Olive oil, garlic, seared chicken breast, tomato sauce, champignon mushrooms, oregano and basil: 53 NIS.

Open Hours

Every day, 12:00 to midnight


Hillel St. 35 (Beit Agron)


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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