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Events in Jerusalem

Kedma Specials for Yerushalmi Card Holders

at 01.01.2011

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Saturday jan 1st

Yerushalmi card holders have been enjoying a slew of benefits, such as discounts on parking, classes, special events, and more, since the card's launch in 2008, and the perks of having one just keep getting sweeter: several restaurants around the city have recently begun offering significant discounts and/or specials to Yerushalmi card holders.

Kedma, the kosher brasserie located on Alrov Mamilla Avenue, is offering card holders 10% discount or a free 1/3 liter of beer from the keg for customers who order a main course.

Click here for more information and the full list of participating restaurants, and visit the official Yerushalmi website at

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 until last customer; Friday, 11:00 until 1 hour before Shabbat; Saturday, from 1.5 hours after Shabbat until last customer


Mamilla Mall


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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