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Events in Jerusalem

Beaujolais Night at Adom

at 16.11.2011

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Wednesday nov 16th

Adom, now celebrating ten years, invites you to participate in the George Duboff French winery Beaujolais wine festival on November 16, 2011, with a dinner especially tailored to complement the wine, petit-fours, and unlimited Beaujolais wine starting at midnight. The dinner meal, which will be offered beginning at 21:30, will include a starter, a first course and a main course. At midnight, the Beaujolais wine will be served accompanied by a variety of petit-fours desserts. The all inclusive price for the evening is 165 NIS per person. Advance reservations requested.

Open Hours

Sunday to Friday, 18:30 to 3:00; Saturday 13:00 to 3:00


Jaffa Rd. 31, Feingold Courtyard


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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